Below is a brief list of projects I am involved in. You might also want to check my GitHub pages.
RakshaKey - YubiKey Clone using V-USB and Atmega8
I maintain a technology blog - I started this blog in 2008. It includes tutorials ands tips related to Windows, Linux, USB Drives, Virtual Machines, Security, Wordpress and more. Till today I have posted about 100 articles.
HiDiR - Wireless programmable HID
HiDiR is a USB HID Device which simulates a keyboard and enables wireless control of the computers using Consumer Infrared Devices like TV remote.
Kaspersky Rescue Disk Updater
A tool to update the virus definitions of Kaspersky Rescue Disk.
StudSat 2
I have worked on ARM Cortex M3 microcontrollers and FreeRTOS as part of the Student Satellite project .I have also worked on dotProject (Open Source PHP Scripts for Web Based Project Management). I have fixed bugs, added new features and customized dotProject to our needs.